I've been taking lessons for about a year with Scott and I'm extremely pleased with the progress made so far. Scott has trained with some of the greats and he helps share that experience in a very accessible teaching method.

I'm a self taught kit drummer that developed some poor habits over the years and found myself in a creative rut after locating to SF. I tried online video courses and a few other drum teachers but none of these options came close to the teaching offered by Scott. He has proven talent, is patient and even keeled, attentive and very informed.

On our first lesson, we established some measurable goals (play Jazz and Latin grooves, improving left hand and left foot strength, learn how to read music) and we've been moving towards these goals ever since. Each lesson is a smart, controlled step towards my goals of improvement. He even keeps notes on my progress so there is no loss in the continuity of our lessons. You can tell that thought goes into how he structures his lessons, which are specifically tailored to you.

I've always wanted to learn to read music. Scott started me off at the very beginning and coached me to where I had the basics, could speak the language, and then we built off of that foundation and continued to learn more complicated notation. Using that layered approach, I can now transcribe my drum notes. I can also read quite quickly now. I'm still not expert level yet but I'm very impressed and pleased at how far I've come.

as far as improving my weaker side, Scott has helped me understand the mechanics of the limbs and how they move effectively to prevent long term fatigue and injury. He makes precise observations on my playing style and helps my form. I've already noticed a huge difference in how I'm able to play more loosely and my ability to play with my weaker hand and foot.

In short, if you're looking to take your drumming to the next level, Scott's lessons are the best option!

Chris W.

Scott was highly recommended to me when I mentioned that I missed playing drums, which I had tried to teach myself in high school. I am starting basically at a beginner level and, after 5 or 6 lessons with Scott, I'm already seeing vast improvements in my technique. My passion for the drums has been completely revitalized!

Scott is a talented drummer, a really nice guy, and - most importantly - a great and effective teacher. He is patient, pays attention to my progress, and remembers my strengths and weaknesses, even when there are weeks between my lessons. In the past, I've had instrument lessons that sometimes felt less like a hobby and more like work. But the drums manage to be both challenging and incredibly fun, and Scott really makes taking lessons a fun, enjoyable experience. And the more you see yourself quickly improving, the more fun it gets!

Side note: for those in the city hesitant to take lessons for lack of a drum kit at home (as I initially was), Scott can teach you so much using apartment-friendly drum pads or practice kits.

Stephanie H.

Meeting Scott 2 years ago was a turning point in my musical journey. I had some eastern musical background from my child hood but no exposure to western music or experience in playing drums. I started taking lessons with him to see if playing drums is for me. Today I have transformed into a passionate and confident drummer/ musician who have just given his first public performance in a local jazz club. I can also read sheet music and easily collaborate with other musicians speaking the same language. I attribute all my success to Scott!!!

Scott is a great teacher and coach, who is compassionate, listens to the student needs and aspirations and tailors the curriculum accordingly. He is a great fit for any age group and gender. Every class he will help understand the fundamental and practicing them on the kit along with homework. He will take copious notes, provide constructive feedback, and encourage you to go beyond your imagination.

Apart from the affordable tuition, safe location and friendly lessons what you have access to is priceless wisdom of Scott that he has acquired as a musician in various capacities. This is very valuable asset that no one easily shares.

He is just a great human being, whose positivity is contagious and will make you leave the class upbeat and looking forward to the next one. If you are on this page, that means your heart is telling you to try out drums, do not waste time in self-doubt and contact Scott, this could change your life and open doors to world of opportunities and joy! Good luck!

Navi V.

I've been studying with Scott for over a year, and it's been a great experience.

I've been playing drums for decades, but had plateaued as a drummer, so I chose Scott to help me advance. He is a very broad instructor, and has helped me with technique and fixing long-standing bad habits, with groove and feel, with weak-side strengthening, and limb independence that have advanced my latin and jazz playing. He has even introduced me to electronic programming approaches I can use in accompaniment.

He can go deep in any of these areas, but it's wonderful to know he can cover this full spectrum. Anyone looking to learn can have the confidence of knowing they can grow with Scott and go very far.

Importantly, he's patient and a good communicator, so I enjoy my lessons and look forward to them. And he's persistent, so he won't let me off the hook when I need to breakthrough in a hard area (sight reading, for example...), yet he keeps it fun.

Last, Scott is encyclopedic about drumming. He knows and stays current with all the teaching approaches and methods, goes to clinics frequently to keep his knowledge up, has a library of the great books and teachers. I always learn about the craft and discipline of drumming from Scott, in addition to improving my playing.

I highly recommend meeting Scott if you're looking for a great instructor, no matter your level.

Mark S.

I've been Scott's student for a couple of years now. He's my first and only drum teacher. I remember the very first lesson when he told me: "my goal is to make you a gigging drummer". Since then I've played a number of gigs covering songs, and my original music got a lot more interesting too!

Scott's musicianship, his ability to explain and demonstrate technical and theoretical aspects of drumming are as educational as they are inspiring. Even though I have a fairly specific taste in music - I'm mostly interested in hard rock and metal, our lessons are tailored to develop the skills I need, as well as expand my musical vocabulary. And combined with Scott's calm disposition, pragmatism, patience, humility and impeccable work ethic, I don't know what more one could ask for!

Lastly, as an interesting and very welcome side-effect, my guitar skills have improved noticeably since I've stared taking drum lessons, particularly when it comes to rhythm and timing :P

Whether you're just starting out, or already have some experience - you can count on Scott to help you improve!

Vlad Y.

I highly recommend Scott to be your next drumming instructor, especially if you're someone who is starting from scratch. I'm an instrument and drumming newbie who finally decided to give lessons a go.

Scott has been extremely patient and encouraging at each lesson. Each session builds on itself and strikes the right balance between focusing on the fundamentals and actually getting behind the kit. I love that I'm learning to read music, about how drumming styles vary by genre and the techniques behind each music type.

Scott challenges me each week, adding just the right amount of new material without piling on too much. He also has some great techniques for strengthening individual weaknesses (hello left hand), and I'm increasingly more confident about actually making beautiful music someday.

Plus, he's just a cool dude with a fun vibe.

Robyn B.

I've been taking drum lessons with Scott for the past six months and he's exceeded my expectations of what I was looking for in a drum teacher. I had taken lessons for years growing up before taking a 11 year hiatus from drumming, so I wasn't sure how easy it was going to be for a new teacher to figure out where my skill level is and find ways to challenge me. Scott was able to come up with a lesson plan that really makes me push myself and grow a lot faster as a drummer than I thought that I could.

He's also been really receptive to specific things that I want to work on, and as I've started playing with other musicians he's also given me advice on playing in those types of settings. He's teaching me not just how to be a better drummer, but how to be a better musician. I love every lesson with Scott, and I would highly recommend him to anyone else looking to take drum lessons in the city.

Kalev R.

What an amazing teacher!

Well organized, focused, passionate, patient. A complete professional.

After years of wanting to learn and two disappointing teachers I finally found someone I can learn from. Scott creates a weekly lesson plan, which he actually tracks! Each week you can easily discern (AND ACHIEVE) the goal he has set.

He gives great advice about certain questions and takes the extra step to make sure you have full comprehension. Even more, it's not like grade school where you have to master one piece before moving on. Rather, it's master as you go, which is pretty awesome. You have the opportunity to surprise yourself with how far you have come.

He is well versed in a variety of music styles and acknowledges and supports your goals as a drummer.

I cannot say enough about Scott's teaching style. Third time is the charm. Even my neighbors say I'm doing better!

I cannot recommend Scott enough.

Maggie R.

I have been taking drumming lessons with Scott for the past year and would highly recommend him to anyone wanting to learn how to play the drums. I had zero experience playing the drums prior to working with Scott and I was quickly able to feel really comfortable on the drum kit and make way more progress than I expected over the course of my lessons.

Scott is really fun to work with. He has a really great positive energy, teaching style and a wide range of music knowledge. If you're looking for a drum teacher in the Bay Area I would definitely recommend Scott!

Stephanie C.

I've always wanted to pick up drumming again since abandoning it during my teen years. I wasn't sure how that would go as an adult but having Scott as my teacher was one of the best decisions I've made, hands down!

Scott is genuine, dedicated and extremely knowledgeable in his craft. He creates a friendly and open environment that allowed me to embrace my mistakes and learn from them at my own pace. I felt every lesson was useful and I progressed more than expected.

I absolutely recommend him -- it's been a very rewarding six months and I'm sad to say goodbye as I'm moving countries... If we were in the same city, without a doubt I'd study with Scott for as long as I could. He's the best teacher I've had!

Diana P.

I am a self taught drummer with over a decade of experience. Scott helped to set me straight on important fundamentals and gave me some really important new areas to expand my playing. Scott is both a great teacher and a great drummer. Here are a few reasons I highly recommend Scott.

* Good listener * You can explain what you want to do and how you want to use your time together, and Scott will tailor the lessons to your goals. Scott takes notes about your progress and pushes you to focus on what you're not good at, tailoring exercise for you to improve your mechanics, your music reading, and your knowledge base.

* Good lesson structure and big, welcoming space * There's a drum set, two practice pads (one for him, one for you), a PA system, and a bunch of drum equipment stacked neatly around the room. You start on the pads, and Scott analyzes your progress from the last week and teaches you how to assess yourself to continue working on your own after the lesson. During the second half of the lesson, you sit down at the drum kit and Scott sits behind a music stand next to the PA (where he sometimes plays a metronome over the speaker system), and occasionally brings out a new piece of music that will challenge you and help you build up the parts of your playing you've discussed already. Some of the exercises are difficult, because you're stretching your playing ability. Anytime you need a break or want to jam out on the drum set in an unstructured way, you can, and Scott will sort of help you use that time to improve your playing. You finish by playing along to a few songs and you're encouraged to incorporate material into playing.

* Good content * Actively tailors lesson plans to what you can do and what you can't do yet. Vast base of knowledge of drumming style, genres, and techniques. There is no shortage of material that Scott can teach you, or shortage of useful background and context about the styles you're playing and the concepts and artists who helped to innovate them.

I wish you the best of luck if you are making a commitment to improving your drumming. You're starting off the right path by considering Scott as your guide.

Connor K.

Scott is a real pro. Starting as a total beginner, I have been learning with him since 2017, and every time it gets better. He is extremely patient, insightful in understanding the hurdles that I face, and in teaching me the steps to overcome them. He is not just a professional drummer who happens to teach, but a professional drum teacher, who gives a structure to your learning and starts with the right rudiments to build a solid foundation. Thanks to his teaching, I am making some progress that I didn't think possible... and I am having a lot of fun along the way. If you are a beginner and you don't know where to start, stop looking and contact Scott to get started!

Lorenzo P.

Scott Rouse is the best drum teacher, hands down!! If you're looking for a genuine talented inspiring teacher he's your guy. His approach is very unique and it is the reason I always came back. There were days I thought drumming wasn't for me but his knowledge, patience, and style of teaching was enough to me keep going. It's been a lot of fun!

And so here I am (10 months later) working on such a passionate song (Better Love by Hozier) and loving every minute of it! Thanks Scott, you were meant for this!!!

Ana S.

Scott's a great teacher, drummer and epic dude.

I look forward to my lesson each week. I've never played drums and decided to start taking lessons to see what was possible. It's a great break from work and each lesson I learn new techniques that cater to my pace and learning style. I'd recommend lessons with Scott for drummers of all skill levels. He's awesome.

Rick C.

Scott is a phenomenal teacher. I have been playing drums recreationally for 1 1/2 years or so and with 3 teachers in 3 different cities and after 3 months with Scott I have noticed a dramatic improvement.

I love Scott's lesson plan and clearly seems to have a path in mind for each student. I had some bad habits and Scott is taking the time to break me down to build me back up as a more proficient musician which has only furthered my progress. Thankfully Scott is very patient and encouraging while I work through some of the more difficult techniques with limb independence while creating 4 layer grooves. We clearly seem to be following a path with our lessons and each week builds from the last which I very much appreciate.

Scott is happy to discuss all genre's of music and will tailor your lesson to your interests while mainting good form with stick control and rudiments which are then easily translated to the kit. I look forward to continuing my lessons with Scott and would highly recommend him as a teacher for any level of drummer.

Tyler W.

I am so incredibly thankful that I looked online for drum lessons in San Francisco and Scott Rouse was the first person that I called. I have been taking drum lessons from Scott since August and I literally could not imagine learning how to play the drums from ANYONE else. I took drum lessons for a few months years ago from someone else and there really is just no comparison.

Scott is completely professional, patient, and really has a mastery of his craft. While he is definitely credentialed and more than qualified to teach the drums, Scott's passion for and understanding of rhythm and percussion is incredible and seems unparalleled. He definitely challenges me, but I honestly always feel like I have enough support and a built-upon-skill set to be able to try anything...often with great success!!!! His teaching methods seem perfectly paced, and I know that is because he is really paying attention to where I'm at in my process. (Even when I'm hopped up on caffeine in a lesson). I still can't believe i'm doing the things I'm doing on the drums already!

Even when I'm wondering why I'm doing rudiments and paradiddles until my arms are on fire, I completely trust Scott and his method. I'll take those same exercises to the kit, and I'll have this incredible wax on-wax off moment...many of them! It seems like there's nothing Scott can't do on the drums and I'm super stoked to be lucky enough to train with one of the greats.

I 100% know that I would not be as far as I am in my drumming skills and understanding, had I not taken drum lessons from Scott. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND him as a drum teacher to anyone, as the experience just wouldn't be as great or half as much fun with anyone else!!!!!!!

Christina V.

I'm a beginner and have been taking lessons from Scott for about 7 months. I checked out a few different teachers before settling on Scott and I'm very happy with that decision. Each lesson we work on some rudiments on the practice pad but also spend time playing on the kit. He's patient but also challenges you -- and he keeps it fun. I always leave each lesson feeling inspired.

Aurora C.

Fantastic teacher for all speeds. His passion for drumming is infectious and he always has a clear and well thought out lesson plan. On top of that he is just really fun to hang out with! :)

Kevin M.

Scott does his homework; for each lesson, he always gives me new skills and challenges to learn from. Rarely do I get stuck in one practice lesson for too long that it gets frustated. However, he also doesn't hesitate to remind you for each and every fundamental techniques that you might missed. Don't hesitate to ask any questions because he's always more than happy to answer them!

Michelle A.

I had always wanted to play the drums ever since I was a kid. A friend who is an amazing key board player told me about the Best Drummer She Has Ever Worked With - this guy who was moving to SF from NM, Scott Rouse.

I have been taking drumming lessons from Scott since July. He is so talented, inspiring and patient! Even though half the time I feel like a klutz behind the kit, I also see the amazing progress I have made (working on my samba beat, double bass and of course, paradiddles...) He is great grounding me in the basics, the rudimentals of drumming, while keeping it super interesting and varied with kit work and even hand drums.

Scott is one of those generous, kind and incredibly humble souls. He really has a touch of genius when it comes to teaching drumming. He knows just when and how to mix it up.

I have seen him perform live and his drumming is TIGHT. He is a full time, professional drummer who hangs with the likes of the GREATS and has learned from Aldo Mazza, Dom Famularo, Greg Bissenette and others. At the same time, he keeps it light and fun- his lessons are sooo incredibly fun! and you will leave the lesson smiling and feeling great about yourself and life. The hour goes by soooo quickly!

If you have thought of drumming for more than a nanosecond, or find yourself tapping your foot when listening to music or tapping your hands on your desk - try ONE LESSON. Seriously, you won't regret it!

Joan H.

I was free styling on Craigslist for drum accessories and came across Scott's ad for drum lessons. From the moment I saw his resume and credentials I figured I would give him a try for lessons. In an e-mail I explained that I had been away from drumming for about 45 years but had recently picked up playing with a few friends and had recently purchased a kit from Craigslist. He responded readily and we set up our first few lessons in his studio in SF on 4th street. Scott was willing to travel and I thought it best to learn on my kit. I was out of practice so we started again with the basics and the book Stick Control. However it was not a dry lesson of rudimental's, he has me incorporate all limbs to different beats as we have gone through the lessons. Besides all the rock beats, he has me learn to work on other beats to develop my skills. Scott's goal at this stage of my re-development is limb independence.

He is very patient and very encouraging (exactly what I needed) And I recognize I can make great progress and never out learn with his instruction, because he is also a student himself.

I would guess I have had at least 20 hours of instruction from Scott. My band mates notice my improvements each week we rehearse, and I feel Scott's lessons have given me the confidence to jam with some pretty experienced cats and in front of a large audience.

If you are looking for a dedicated teacher who is passionate about his craft then I highly recommend Scott as your teacher.

Tony S.

My name is Ciara McAllister and I am fellow musician here in San Francisco. I have had the honor of playing in several bands and teaching with Scott over the last ten years. I have also studied drums under Scott's instruction.

I run several music workshops and programs in SF and therefore have taught alongside many different drummers, varying in style, experience, and teaching approach. Scott is by far the most patient and effective drum teacher I have had the privilege of working with.

Scott's skills as a drummer are unparalleled...he can play any style, is beyond rhythmically precise, and is creative as a songwriter and arranger. His ideas are unique and educated. But beyond this, Scott has the rare talent of being a great drummer with the ability to explain to aspiring drummers how it all works!

Scott has taught me a great deal about the fundamentals of drumming. Concepts are clear, precise, and inspiring. He is extremely patient and kind-hearted...Nothing but encouragement and practical advice as to how to improve.

If you want to be inspired by a truly phenomenal drummer who is clear, reliable, fun to be around, and a great educator, Scott is your guy.

I recommend Scott to beginning and advanced drummers, children and adults alike!

Ciara M.

Scott Rouse to me is a role model. I met him 2 years ago and only when I met him I realized I wanted to play the drums. He is very patient, calm, and down to earth. He is fun to hang out with. I haven't been playing drums very long, but I know I am getting better. I live an hour away from where he teaches, but when my lesson is scheduled, I enjoy traveling to his studio in San Francisco. There are many drumming teachers where I live. In fact, it would be easier to learn from them considering I live nearby. The reason I didn't sign up for lessons where I live is because the teachers aren't Scott. I love his personality and he is a fantastic person to get to know. And on top of him being awesome, he is one of the most skilled drummers I have ever had the privilege of learning from. I plan to take lessons from Scott for many years to come and I am thankful for having an amazing teacher.

Jesse G.

I have had the privilege of working, playing and taking lessons from Scott over the past 5 years. His drumming ability is top notch in a variety of styles including jazz, funk, rock and blues. Though what really makes Scott the best option for drum lessons is his teaching ability. He is patient, super chill and uses teaching methods that will get you playing your favorite songs quickly.

I have worked with Scott at a music camp for high school kids and witnessed drummers go from not knowing how to play anything to playing in a rock band in the course of one week. If you are a more advanced drummer you can look forward to getting techniques from the top players in the world as Scott has studied with names like Dom Famularo, Aldo Mazza and Alex Acuña.

Scott is also an accomplished DJ and producer so if you enjoy electronic music and want to deepen your understanding of rhythm Scott is the perfect choice. I highly recommend drum lessons with Scott.

Sean A.

(918) 512-1608

Call me direct,
or contact me here.

  • Working Drummer for over 25 years
  • Drum Set & Percussion Instructor for 7 years at uCamps Performing Arts Camp, teaching grades 3-12
  • Employee for KoSA Music, host of world renowned drum camps and festivals
  • Online lessons are broadcast in HD from my private studio, using four camera angles and professional grade audio
  • Also offering in-home lessons in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area

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